Fierro, A., Davis, R. (September 28, 2021). D2L Tools: Intelligent Agents [Blog Post for the Digital Learning Download]. Retrieved from:
Fierro, A. (September 28, 2021). Course Overview and Introduction [Blog Post for the Digital Learning Download]. Retrieved from:
Ament, J., Fierro, A., Hale, B. (August 24, 2021). How Does Continuous Improvement Impact Course Quality? [Blog Post for the Digital Learning Download]. Retrieved from:
Fierro, A. (August 24, 2021). Guiding Course Design through Evidence-based Practices [Blog Post for the Digital Learning Download]. Retrieved from:
Fierro, A. (July 20 2021). Course Mapping. What's the Purpose of this Assignment? [Blog Post for the Digital Learning Download]. Retrieved from:
Romanoski, M., Russell, C., Fierro, A. (2020, October 27). Redesign Cohort: Why You Should Do It! [Blog Post for Digital Learning]. Retrieved from:
Fierro, A. (2018). 21st Multimodal Billiteracies in the Arizona-Sonora Borderland. [Doctoral Dissertation]. University of Arizona.
Reyes, I., Acosta, J., Fierro, A., Fu, Y., Zapien, R. (2016). Teacher Candidates Connecting to Community Resources and Children’s Literacy. In da Silva Iddings, A. (Ed). Re-designing Teacher Education for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children: A critical ecological approach (85-95). New York: Routledge Research in Teacher Education. Peer-reviewed.